
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Re:Monster Day 251 - 260

DAY 251

During the night, I have fully satisfied one of my three basic needs. (During this night, I am fully satisfied one of 3 basic needs.)
If not for the help of my comrades and [Self Replication], this battle with the flame mother dragon empress could have been my last. In the process I have accumulated (huge amounts) of stress, but after that (relaxing) night it has become much easier.
That's just because of the fact that we are now in the crater of the volcano, unfortunately, consecrating this morning was not.
There was a bit stuffy after a hot night, the body was missing the morning freshness.
Because if there around instead of lava would be a pleasant temperature hot springs, it would be better. ("If we had been surrounded by hot springs instead of lava, it would have been much better.")
( If here would be a pleasant temperature hot springs instead of lava, it would be much better.)
If here really was hot spring, I would first clean of dirt, and then slowly it soak. ("If this place really had a hot spring, I would clean of the dirt and then slowly soaked in its relaxing waters.")
Just cause thoroughly warmed up the lower part of the body, slowly enjoying the heat penetrates into the body. ("After submerging my lower half of the body, I would slowly enjoy the pleasant sensation of heat entering into my body")
Then slowly plunge on his shoulders, while drinking alcohol. ("Then I would slowly submerge myself upto the shoulders and start enjoying the springs while drinking alcohol.")
It is interesting that at this moment the best drink?
After imagining all different(that), I suddenly miss the hot springs in the great forest.
Tired after a day, (the fatigue) can be easily removed in this beautiful hot springs (while) drinking binge(sake??).  
Remembering that I could not hold back the nostalgia. Probably something like homesickness.
Well, there is nothing to do, I now have the feeling that I was a little overworked, time would have to take a vacation longer. And without any worries to rest the best course in the great forest.
Especially in the vicinity of the great forest, there is still much to do.
It will be necessary to bring your kids.
Well before the fulfillment of that desire, i leave it in the near future.
Waking up in the morning, I immediately started to determine the possibilities of my body.
After [the evolution of creation] yesterday I found out almost everything, and as a result spent with Kanami-chan time to deal with the application process.
Although altered, but the body is my own, and not someone or something. Once I start to move to it will be easy to get used to. So it's not that I can not normally live a normal life.
But I will not say that i have mastered it perfectly, and not a stable body, there was little hope.
And to deal with it, I was doing a few simple physical exercises.
By doing so, as expected, to control the movement of new hand was hard.
Not that there were any wrong feelings. I could manage just as easily as breathing.
But in comparison to the battle with the two hands at the moment having four hands, even the simplest motion like a punch, not only differ in the way of application of force, but a way to distribute the weight of the upper body, and how to use the muscles, as well as the location of the nerves and blood flow radius of reach, has undergone enormous changes.
Because I was a bit confused. Although I've used before something like a power suit such a structure, in fact, experience in managing the body of this design I was little restless. Therefore it is necessary to get used to in a short period of time.
And if I had not had this experience, I would do would heavily.   Of course you need to be fit even my combat skills and techniques under the new body, as well as there are still a lot of work to improve, but right now my goal is to learn to control his body, respectively own desires. The rest of you can work out later in sparring with Minokichi-kun.
After 30 minutes after the start, thanks to my efforts, I have learned to move so that my body is not born with the movement of the storm winds. So, even if I move fast during the battle, I did not cause undue damage to environment.
If there are no surprises among the hapless viewers will not be victims.
If there would have been, I'm sure that neither could do something, but there is no need to increase the amount of extra work.
While I understood the movements of his new body, Kanami-chan wake up.
Her face was half-asleep state incredibly cute.
After [the evolution of creation] KanaMi chan was the [ice demonic blood ancestor (asuraddo.tur? Vanpaia) (Top View)].
This not only marked the beginning of the race leave [the vampires] as well as very close to the [first vampire (orijinvanpaia)], while overlooking [demonic ancestors (true vampires (tur? Vanpaia))], saying that in the management of blood and ice close in force thereto races, no.
According to the collected information, my clones, in ancient times, who lived in the cold ground, destroyed many different countries [Ice Dragon King (gur? Sh? .doragonkingu)], Single-handedly fought [the ice demon blood ancestor] after the three-day battle left behind destruction greatly affect the landscape of the earth.
As a result, very long body of the Dragon King was divided into 6 parts, the whole Gulf area lots of dragon's blood, which eventually evolved into the icy valley blood.
This is the place and now existing, but to be quite far away, because if we will be able to move back this place later.  (This place still existing, but it is quite far away, because of this we will be able to move thit place later.)
By the way [the demonic ancestor] is creating has the power not inferior to [the Emperor]. At the same time, being [a superior being], it becomes the default level creatures stronger [the emperor]. Given that it has a few [Divine Aegis] is not in doubt.
The ruler of a demonic empire [demonic Emperor] as well as [the king of beasts] of the animal kingdom, the existing level of [legendary brave] characters holders [sovereign stories], one by one, even when fighting at full strength, certainly lose the present Kanami-chan.
From a biological point of view, Kanami-chan became incomparably stronger rather than to evolution.
This Kanami-chan, is not yet fully awake, then lightly scatter around the peculiar [ice bloody demonic ancestor], the magical power [charm].
Like a fountain of life, its magical power [charm], attracts all living beings within range.
Anticipating how I would enjoy their flesh, I unknowingly swallowed.
Her every movement fascinated eyes, even if you know the reason, still it was impossible to break away. Anyone, regardless of gender, at a time when it sees undoubtedly immediately tried to attack her (and will be sliced).
Yet, the best KanaMi chan ...
Well, leave it alone charming Vidocq.
To recharge the forces for the day, it is important to have a good breakfast
And what ingredients I decided to use is the meat Emperor and Empress of dragons. Well, of course not entirely, but only the smallest part of their huge bodies.
On normal, it would be worth to wait until things are complete, and only after all enjoy together. But unfortunately the rest of the team was not here. Once I fell asleep, they went and decided to make a day off, because in addition to KanaMi chan nearby and there was no one. 
Using as a base, a subsidiary of "ready to fight Parabellum" in the Labyrinth City [Rada Ro Dara] Company Business maze "Heart Snake", enjoy shopping, the wounded were treated in a maze of adventurers at extremely attractive prices, climbed unexplored destinations in search of yet undiscovered ore veins were collected valuable information about bosses and dungeons in crowded places, spread behind the scenes something whose hobby.
For such reasons, first we will taste together KanaMi chan.
Of course, I wanted to tell them to "work hard", but once it happened, there is nothing.
In addition, in order to learn about how best to prepare this ingredient would probably be even better myself at first to try it.
Truly a perfect excuse.
Well, under the guise of a stupid, my istesannye(selfish?) motives, of course, sitting in front of a mountain of delicious meat, of course I could not endure.
Especially after [the creation of evolution], or upon receipt of the [World Enemy (Insatiable Gluttony], In my stomach emptying is now much faster.
Now from one type of meat, my stomach growled fiercely and saliva flowed from his mouth.
Instinctively, in order to heal the body depletes plucked clean energy rather fill the belly.
And endure is, as expected, even for me it was impossible.
The benefit of all instincts, and against them will not trample.
The only thing that gnawed at me, "you will call me greedy or not," until I'm ready.
Asking KanaMi chan melt the ice around the body of the flame of the Empress, I began to cut her dragon meat.
It is of course obvious, but the dragon meat is incredibly strong . Made gnomes, excellent sharpness Mithril knife hardly cut it, and if I even put a little bit more pressured him, he immediately breaks down.
Thanks to the magic of strengthening supporting its huge body, each specific muscle fibers having a tremendous strength, much superior to other living beings.
To prepare its meat was needed not only extremely sharp knife, able to cope with his strength, but you need to have excellent skills chefs and deep knowledge on meat dragon.
Win of course also not easy, but also so difficult to prepare. Here is such a complex ingredient.(Killing it of course isn't easy, but it isalso so difficult to prepare. dragon empress is such a complex ingredient.)
But exactly the same amount a lot from him and I'm waiting.
I'll have a piece of meat to give the San Sisters and ask to cook.
Turning those who grew up in silver knives in his hands, I continued cutting a whole.(Turning my hands in  silver knives , I continued cutting a dragon in pieces.)
As a result, I got a mountain of meat you get used 3000 kilograms.
And it was only a tiny part of the whole body.
As expected just like that cooking it does not work, so I chopped it smaller, and then 3-ton mountain became 60 smaller pieces.
But all the same pieces were quite healthy, but to the extent they have is much nicer.
Then I put the cooking and looked their results look.
Because, even after spending a few days in a frozen block of ice magic, of the meat was still fresh luchilos vital force, like jewels.
No lights meat dragons superior to any gems.
Total time he saw it shine, any foodie give all that he has, if only to try the meat taste.
Even I, if I had not been able to get this with my own hands, easily parted with any amount money, just for the sake of a piece of dragon meat.
This magnificent meat, I put a big pan.
The temperature of the pan, was unusually high. Average meat then immediately not only will burn and char, but dragon meat is warmed slowly.
The reason for that was an incredible resistance to heat red dragons.
First,to cook the meat somewhere else besides here will be incredibly difficult for the benefit of creating such a flame, conventional logs is clearly not enough.
Most likely you have to do some or the device for this. (Most likely you have to make some kind device for this.)
Fortunately slow roast thoroughly it would take too much time and effort.
That's just where I was listening to that during cooking of meat and fish, sometimes is better to cook on low heat so it retains more meat juice.
True or false, I do not know, but this time as well-suited to be convinced. Even if it does not, I can not imagine that dragon meat was disgusting (luckily though briefly, but during the battle I managed to give it a try).
Because we KanaMi chan, just kept it to roast it over a slow fire.
And yet, roasting meat dragon, feeling his delicious smell, you need to have incredible endurance to pursue the case.
I somehow restrained, but after a while, one of my hands without consciously reached for the meat at the last moment I stopped it, but after a while everything was repeated but with the other hand. At 10, I stopped trying to count them.
In the process of cooking, I truly realized the danger of this meat. Dependence on it will be more dangerous than the harm from any magical poison, too much she pulls out instincts.
Trying to hold back, I even closed my eyes. But the effect was the opposite. The smell of meat, more awakened my instincts, and the hiss of meat juice excites my imagination.
Reflexively swallowed.
This meat is without a doubt will be the most delicious of what I have ate.
But I'm still going to roast the meat to the very end, in the magic pan, then served with white rice out of the maze on a large plate.
News from the meat it will go just fine.
By doing so, the dish began to look even tastier, saliva has been simply unstoppable.
Favorite chopsticks, I raised his piece of dragon meat together with the rice into his mouth.
Reflex on my face broke into a smile.
At that time, on my face, like in the old manga, happiness gave way to tears.
A variety of flavors mingled in my mouth, but it is not something that is not mixed, they harmoniously complement each other and strengthened.
In addition, slow roasted, dragon meat was simply overflowing with juice.
Just one bite, my whole mouth was filled with them.
While he did not swallow the next piece of meat just do not climb into the throat. Besides meat juice again delicious. Swallowing it again feel the taste of meat dragon.
As long as you eat the meat, the taste is always changing, and how much you would not eat it, it still will not get bored.
While i ate on my face, facial expressions along with the feelings were replaced one by one.
In addition, rice soaked in juice makes it taste even deeper.
For a while, we're not thinking about anything, just was eating for both cheeks.
It was the same with Kanami-chan is a huge mountain of meat in front of the eyes persists, we just could not stop. 
After the meal, as expected bellies were full to capacity. Before my eyes appeared suddenly plump belly. And when it only had time to grow.
And as a result, I can say that the meat of the Empress of dragons, compared with the emperor, softer, and the taste of it deeper. Personally, it seems to me that the Empress is still tasty.
Although slightly tough meat of the Dragon Emperor has its own charm. Can this be called individual characteristics, male and female.

Ability learned: Immunity to Heat
Ability learned: Explosive Roar of the Dragon Emperor
Ability learned: Blaze Dragon's Blood
Ability learned: Inexhaustible Life Force of the Dragon Emperor
Ability learned: Heat Absorption
Ability learned: Summon Lesser Dragon
Ability learned: Summon Intermediate Dragon
Ability learned: Summon Greater Dragon
Ability learned: Chief Guard of the Dungeon

I was able to get 9 abilities.
Stop, stop, stop !!
Among them is one of the country.
What is this [Chief Guard of the Dungeon]?
It generally is normal? Normally I ask? Is it nothing to do all day long noodle kicked? Really worked ??? Or until the first bidder (s) it got all this time she'd slept and eaten off, because I was able to get this ability?
I did not know. I do not think that when neither know.
Anyway, once I got it, I need to know what kind of ability was.
After trying to activate at the moment when I thought of gems, looking at the floor. Immediately on the site appeared red gem the size of a palm.
Make sure it is all reality, I tried to eat it. He had a crunchy crust and sweet taste, moreover, a solid stock of manna inside, which sank within me.
In order to finally make ...
This time I thought of treasure chest, and some appeared [treasure chest], opened it, and inside were a variety of subjects, such as medicine and magical metals. Just perfect for shop in the capital, because I posted it in the glove box.
After I tried different combinations, apparently, this ability allows only the dungeon, the user instantly enjoy many privileges.
Naturally, this only [Age of Gods] dungeons received me with a special ability [Thief labyrinths (crying demons of other worlds)]. If desired, and the availability of time, you can do with the innards of the labyrinth anything. That's only if unskillful cheat, you can easily send the whole maze of swimming in lava. So is the ability to, any error which could cost lives, because in an emergency, it is difficult to use.
But using it, you can immediately get almost anything you want, as well as to easily change the landscape of the maze. Of course everything has chapels, but simple tasks it is easy to handle.
At first I thought, "What is this nonsense," but now I think quite differently. Inside the cave, a very useful thing.
Thus, until the evening, I understood with various functions of the maze, found in one respect [the enemy of the world: Insatiable Gluttony] Obtained earlier.
Although with the Office of the dungeon, I do not fully figured out, with [insatiable gluttony], Everything turned out much faster.
Apparently this thing is very similar to my [absorption capacity] by nature.
There are certainly some details, but the main, the more eater (me) eat, the faster its ability to grow.
Thus, you can easily say that I now have the ability to 2 [absorption capacity] and [insatiable gluttony], Because now I'm in two faster will become stronger.

Very useful ability, which in return considerably raises my appetite, yes leave it.  
You may think now that my chances of getting abilities increase. But the reality is not so simple.
Because I was the next evolution.
Even with [insatiable gluttony (za.guraton?)], He has increased the chance of getting abilities, but my current race [kongoyasha furious god (god Vadzhirakusha formidable overlord (vajurayakusha.? B? R? Do)) (disutorakushonkingu) (kind of living god vaishurash? zu)], a chur too strong, because the chance of getting abilities are now several times lower.
If not evolution, maybe I could get easier abilities, but now it's too late.
Although I think that I did not lose with a choice race, because to lower the chance of nothing to do.
So, having solved another riddle, I decided to work late, altering the dungeon to your taste.
By the way, my name is replaced with the aporia to Obara.
There were options with Roh night, furious Obara, yarosny ObaRod, but Obara sounded better so I stopped at this.
Incidentally KanaMi chan remained KanaMi chan.
The result of today's synthesis is: [Summon Lesser Dragon] + [Summon Intermediate Dragon] + [Summon Greater Dragon] = [Summon Supreme Dragon]

DAY 252

As a result of diligently working from yesterday up until tonight, the restructuring of the dungeon has finally been completed.
With the ability [Dungeon Creation], I was able to restructure the dungeon through the translucent screen which displayed detailed information and images regarding the dungeon. After choosing from the screen, the dungeon's reality reflects the changes made.
At first, I was surprised but because the operation of the dungeon was quite similar to those of my past life, I was somehow able to get used to it without making much of a mess.
There was quite a difference compared to the previous dungeon as a result of the changes made.
Of course, there were still quite a few resemblance between the two, but let's focus on the main changes.
To begin, the name was changed from [Flame Mountain of Flame Dragons] to [Divine Volcano of Wailing Ghosts] or [Funeral Volcano].
I was complacent even without having changed the name, but with this it would be easier to identify who conquered the dungeon - because from now on, the dungeons I conquer is going to increase.
Then, a number of traps and mechanisms have been incorporated as a part of my hobby. With this, prey wondering into the dungeon will have a higher chance of being captured.
The traps are mainly to block them since new adventurers often avoid these dungeons because most of them start inland.
So it is now slightly easier to take treasure chests compared to before. After assessing the changes, the treasure chests now offer more items to adventurers.
After that, are the new dungeon monsters that appear using magical items. [Black Gremlins] who has an ability of using a nasty substance and then there's the new hidden monster completely made up of lava, the [Lava Devils].
Their strength is not something to be concerned about, but their abilities are quite fierce.
The most noteworthy change to the dungeons are the dungeon boss that appear.
Under the influence of my [Divine Protection], both the old and new field bosses as well as the dungeon boss have their bodies painted in black while their abilities significantly rose.
Now, the previously strong opponents we once faced will now prove to be a powerful existence to explorers and adventurers.
It is an existence that's very dependable for the ruler of the dungeon while a nightmare for explorers and adventurers alike.
Incidentally, among the usual monsters, there were strong individuals and because the complexity of the [Funeral Volcano] has changed from when it was [Flame Mountain of Flame Dragons] the overall difficulty of the dungeon has risen.
Due to the countless number of veterans being defeated by the dungeon, it wouldn't be surprising if a skilled adventurer decides to challenge the dungeon.
About the other changes, I wonder...
Besides the significant changes, other changes will be omitted because it's troublesome.
Unrelated to the modifications done to the dungeon, some time as I was applying changes to the dungeon, I realized one thing.
It seems that I gain experience when an adventurer dies within the dungeon - though of course not every one of them, this somewhat makes me happy. As experience gained from the dungeon accumulates.
It lowers the difficulty of the dungeon on the earlier levels and although it is nothing, but since the level of people who intend to challenge the dungeon can increase. It seems that the higher the level, the more the efficiency level increases.
It's quite fortunate for me since with my current race, it requires an exorbitant amount of experience to gain even a single level. This system honestly saves me a lot of hassle.
"Pathetic prey, though I suppose it will be a good challenge for me."
As I was smiling wickedly, Kanami who was also smiling, hugged me from behind.
Now that there wasn't any more reason to stay here, Kanami-chan and I head towards the Labyrinth City [Radha Lo Dara].
Before heading out, we decided to enjoy the night sky together.
Although both of our race gives us the ability to fly freely in the sky, we had no intention of using it this time.
As this time, it also serves as a test run for my magic.
My new magic, named Shiro, was from a race of dragons called the [Ancient Flame Dragons].
It's body length was about 80 meters, as a [Wisdom Dragon] it was huge compared to a few exceptions. It boasts a huge body frame that is even able to compete against dragons of the [Emperor] class.
Supporting the dragon's huge body, were tough limbs that ends with red claws capable of cutting lumps of steel as if they were made up of air. It's body was covered in an ominous combination of black and red dragon scales and it's dragon armor cannot be damaged, let alone scratched by a half hearted attack.
Four-spear like objects protruded from its head which appears to be its horns and on its back, a long mane of flaming orange as well as two pairs of four huge dragon wings resided.
The dragon's amethyst colored eyes, reflects its high intellect. From its mouth, razor-sharp teeth were dotted as its dragon flame continue to blaze.
Emanating from its huge body, its presence was comparable to that of the field boss, [Dragon Emperor] within [Flame Mountain of Flame Dragons] perhaps, it was even stronger.
Why did a dragon like [Tatsu Shiro] appear from my magic?
Because during the remodeling of the [Flame Mountain of Flame Dragons] I happened to chance upon an ancient sleeping fossil, later named Shiro. Fortunately enough, I was able to revive it.
The ability for resurrection was not something I had before - after my evolution to the race of Apostle Lord, only then did I get the ability [Fossil Restoration].
[Fossil Restoration] cannot be activated unless a certain amount of ancient fossil is available, which is why it was unused until now. Since it would most likely say that there are no fossils to restore, but it was finally able to demonstrate its true value this time.
The result, was the ancient dragon - Shiro.
Though through my observation of the revived dragon, it seems like [Tatsu Shiro]'s innate temperament is quite implacable.
Once he recognizes you as an enemy, he will relentlessly chase you until you are reduced to ashes.
The ancient race is much more tenacious than the current ones, surely enough, the side being chased by Shiro can only be considered to be in a nightmare.
But after his resurrection, he submitted fairly well as I tamed him. Now he emanates an aura which I find quite cute.
Thus, after healing the resurrected [Tatsu Shiro]. Kanami, still hugging me behind, and I rode on [Tatsu Shiro]'s back as we left [Funeral Volcano] under the cover of the darkness at night.
We were able to reach an altitude of several thousand meters quickly. Piercing the sea of clouds, Kanami-chan and I enjoyed a moment of flight.
The flight didn't take much time, but these few moments weren't so bad. A long-awaited date above a sea of cloud illuminated by the moon.
Looking down on the sea of clouds, various ideas surfaced in my mind.
Interesting things occurred while I had lost my consciousness. The information that flowed through my clones were concealed by its respective countries. My information gathering was steadily progressing as I make a variety of speculation.
Since their scale has grown larger, in order to overcome them, it looks like its necessary to take action behind the scene as soon as possible.
However, the steady activity which has lead up to now shows there is no need for drastic action, it is not urgent after all.
If possible, I would like to make it as favorable to us as a party as possible, since undertaking a variety of actions is necessary.
Oh, I cannot wait.
Thinking about the future, I received a boost of motivation thanks to Kanami behind me.
Perhaps now is not the time to be thinking about it too much. While reflecting, I continued to enjoy our date.
By evening, the ending of the date drew near. As we were almost at the Labyrinth City [Radha Lo Dara], that was visible through gaps within the sea of clouds, we jumped from Shiro's back at the height of several thousand meters so as not to arouse any unnecessary chaos and panic.
In the middle of the night sky, Kanami and I were enjoying our time sky diving.
It may have been an "illegal entry", but I don't think such a thing matters at this hour.
Well at least, it doesn't bother me.

DAY 253

Labyrinth City [Radha Lo Dara], store Labyrinth company [Heart of Snake].
Once to building and poured cheats's huge drop items and ample funds renowned, after the capture who died is a house that had been occupied by dozens also of illegal immigrants until just the other day.
There is now, it was very prosperous.
The majority of the products that are dealing with the primary products.
But price is affordable compared with the quality, frequency of use are aligned also bits and pieces things to be active largely in the small but specific scene.
It to stamp card discount and a certain amount of money and the blank is filled all being pushed to every certain amount of money, there is a privilege that has bits and pieces such as us were only free once the care of armor with masterful dwarves.
Are you a service because mimetic beautiful elves and demons who load is large, has been visited by many a high proportion cheats's our man.
But who are numerous to be misled by the clerk to extend the bottom of the nose, veteran who not buried in many others also mixed as customers, it will be or have been seriously preview of the product.
Not only not yet January also elapsed from the opening, in spite of non with a big advertising, or are why so much crowded.
Certainly opening sale and location conditions good, it would be a factor that Maatarashi of it that was new is calling customers.
But prime cause is separately.
Here capture who we are to gather in, a few days ago with, was the population the cause of variant came to Labyrinth City [Radha Lo Dara].
In other words, it's Minokichi's triumphant return.
Everyone races that currently exist [Rank Up (evolution)] has just one powerful unmatched, tribe that ruled the country as a ruler has the majority.
Who's has become what race so troublesome is omitted here because I think that says later, such prominent population are living between a beeline without hesitation to the «heart of the snake» Labyrinth Chamber of Commerce, where the past few days, I want you to think with.
Force what justice, in trend is strong labyrinth city of, such the presence of non-standard comes to preview the store that many stay, it's of course if granted house.
Not only there is a possibility of tie some edge, you will think that the strong man is dealing with corresponding goods if stores like to patronize.
Collected a similar armor and miscellaneous goods, we want Ayakari in its power somehow, also might be feeling that.
Pains Labyrinth Shokai [Heart of Snake] original purpose, which was prepared for the purpose of camouflage is to also feel like crazy at this point, is not the way that it had happened well.
Although there is prima facie hole, labyrinth firm [Heart of Snake] of shopkeepers - and but I was not in disguise - but in ours and in fact know, Gillman-kun us at the edge are staying.
The story, was to shed in the casually gossip. To Members who, to keep reportedly to say so and if asked.
But when useless is so-what attitude as "Moi and, also consider another draft", I just do I run thinking another draft.
Anyway, while joy the first time in prosperity than expected, because of patrons acquisition, it becomes appearance of young businessman wind sincere likely blonde blue eyes that have been recognized as the owner of here by [Metamorphosis] and [Shape Shift] , it will continue to support and floated a soft smile.
It probably was the other cities if the correct answer in this selection. Everyone, are determined towards the gently sincere likely person is good to than the likely eat human from head with Kowaomote.
But here's a Labyrinth City. To compare with other cities, improper parts are numerous.
Here seems there is a tendency that the fellow that was a wishy-washy licked, in a state in which the disguise, began to playfully was fellow is sing well.
it intimidating to come person or to compel a significant price cut, it who tries to Take the goods without paying the gold is mixed.
Well, such guys are Nejifuse in a moment, and caught taking, but he was Dari variously Tatakikon the common sense here in dedicated dark room, it was hard to work anyway.
A banquet with everyone in the dragon meat in the evening, I thought Tomo, Minokichi kun and Asue chan because it is in the outside of the city, it became your deposited in tomorrow.
It is regrettable, but unavoidable.

DAY 254

In the morning, I organized the documents that had accumulated in my room, the room had the most luxurious interior in the whole house. I also confirmed the items that were collected and determined a price for each.
After finishing at noon, we opened the treasure chests obtained:
Treasure Chest [Coffin of Volcanic Monkey General], from the dungeon boss [Volcanic Monkey General].
Treasure Chest [The King's Tomb of Spiral Shells], from the dungeon boss [Lava Ammonite Sapendia].
Treasure Chest [The Coffin of Elephant Soldiers], from the dungeon boss [Golden Heffalump].
Treasure Chest [Mausoleum Boar], from the dungeon boss [Volcanic Blue Orc King].
Treasure Chest [Wooden Grave of the Diabolical Tree], from the dungeon boss [Diabolical Blue Flame Trent].
Treasure Chest [Monument of the Flaming Demon Cow], from the dungeon boss [Taurus Demon Lord].
Treasure Chest [Tombstone of the Scarlet Emperor], from the dungeon boss [Purple Dragon Emperor].
Treasure Chest [Precious Corpse of the Empress], from the dungeon boss [Empress Flame Dragon].
With the treasure chests obtained from the Aquarium dungeon the last time, it was possible to acquire 50 types of different items, this time it seems like its possible to acquire 100 types of different items.
The treasure chests [Coffin of Volcanic Monkey General] and [The King's Tomb of Spiral Shells] provided me with 5 types of items, [The Coffin of Elephant Soldiers] and [Mausoleum Boar] provided 10 types of items, [Wooden Grave of the Diabolical Tree] and [Monument of the Flaming Demon Cow] provided 15 types. Finally, [Tombstone of the Scarlet Emperor] and [Precious Corpse of the Empress] provided 20 types of items.
The contents within treasure chests were quite indispensable as they were able to enhance our combat capability.
Magic armor, weapons, and powerful magic items were inside. Though it was quite a hassle as I was unsure of who to give what.
It's only likely to hinder their growth if I give them a strong item, so I'll just store them in the meantime, it's not that important after all.
Since the awakening of the 18 Demon Warlords has just recently occurred, giving them suitable equipment will be necessary.
As a result, I'm quite troubled that giving a majority of them [Item Box] is quite early, though some of it has already been prepared for the other warlords.
Thus, the day passed and evening soon came.
Since Minokichi-kun and Asue-chan were about to return, we proceed with the preparations of the banquet.
Recently, the snow that fell on the street had gradually stopped. Since it was progressively getting warmer, we decided to have a barbecue outside as I cleared the snow and hung up lamps.
In order to finish preparations while it was still bright, I watched my colleagues hastily prepare tables and chairs as I roast the dragon meat on a stove type magic item that was installed n the garden.
By reforming my silver hand into a knife, I cut the dragon meat waiting to be cooked in front of my eyes.
As usual, dragon meat is beautiful.
If it was Burasato-san the simple recipe would have become even more delicious, but today I only roast it over the fire since along with Supesei-san, they went to conquer a dungeon.
Saying "We certainly will bring you gifts from the dungeon boss". Since it was Burasato-san who said it, I'm sure they could do it. Though, if it comes down to it they can just run away, but they will have to come up with an appropriate penalty for it.
Well, that's why it was decided that I personally cooked.
It's a simple recipe, but thanks to the excellent quality of meat the dish being served can be even more delicious.
Since I caught a whiff of the dragon meat, my mood gradually improved. So I decided to treat everyone to my precious sake. On my way through the hallway, I saw Irukusa-chan's figure quickly pacing around the house with a large amount of paper and cans of ink accompanied by unknown women.
Currently, Irukusa-chan evolved from the race of [Demon of Human Composition (Sub-species)] to [Demon Princess of Rotting Death (New species)].
Appearance-wise, there were no significant changes. However, now she is surrounded by a fleeting atmosphere that makes her appear fragile. Like a carefully raised princess from some royal country.
But her casual gesture was fascinating, her eyes were radiating decadence and madness. While her body emanates a sweet smell of lust, concealed within the smell of lust is a putrid smell.
As such, Irukusa-chan and Aikusa-chan went into a room along with unknown women.
Because it was a room privately for Aikusa-chan, it wasn't strange for her to personally invite some friends over.
What to do... It was expected for something to happen as a strange smile floated onto the girls' faces.
I was correct. Apparently, they wanted to deal with some missionary(mercenary?) work.
Since with their current race, they have the [Divine Favor of the God of Decomposition], their finesse for missionary work seemed to have increased. Aikusa-chan's ability had also increased steadily.
The women whom I was unfamiliar with must have been her companions that she found in the Labyrinth City [Radha Lo Dara]. Surely they're like-minded people.
Among them were several holders of the [Sacred Profession]. The gentle, neat [Clergy], the proud [Noble Daughter], the [Adventurer] with a hardened body and a short hair, and finally a [Painter] with an unusual appearance. Unless necessary, I won't interfere since it's not a hobby of mine after all.
Hobbies are a freedom of the individual after all.
Others wouldn't say anything.
If they are not a nuisance to others, I'll leave them to do their own things. Even if we become models for their hobby, it's just good to be aware of such things.
For my own peace of mind, it's better that I don't know. Absolutely.
With that said, I turned around turning a blind eye. I turned towards Kugime-chan and Seiji-kun, both who now emanate a presence similar to those of a Lord.
Apparently Kugime-chan helped Seiji-kun with cheap treatment sessions.
A friendly couple, slowly heading towards our place where a feast was prepared.
The handsome and the beauty, a very picturesque moment of two demons.
Currently, Seiji-kun has evolved to [Holy Demon King of Healing (sub-species)] from [Holy Demon Saint of Healing (sub-species)] while Kugime-chan evolved from [Demon of the Nine Divine Eyes (sub-species)] to [Demonic Princess of the Nine Divine Eyes (sub-species)]. [Midnite> Tried getting the classes based off the previous translation and the google translation; feel free to change it to a better one or revert it]
Speaking of Seiji-kun, he surpassed my expectations as he became a [Holy Demon King] - since a [Demon King] often had a tinge of charisma.
As usual, his combat capability is fairly low - even for a [Demon King]. It seems that even a [Lord] is capable of achieving victory against him. Though when it comes to healing, finding someone equal to him is almost impossible.
Who would have thought that he was capable of completely healing a [Black Gremlin] that had already stopped breathing, lost both arms and its lower body in a span of few seconds.
Seiji-kun was capable of healing anyone even if they had lost half of their body; now he's expected to play an active role.
Kugime-chan had become even more beautiful than before; her body became refined while her behavior became even more sophisticated.
And as it radiated through the eyes of 9 rays will skyrocket, and their accuracy has improved, and now she could fight.
But her main force initially is to monitor.
Even in its normal state, she is much better at this than I am. And if you will take seriously its detection range, increased several times, or even ten times.
If you happen to a large-scale battle, it will be able to surprise all its entirety, down to every soldier.(If we happen too a large-scale battle, she would be able to surmise all its entirety, down to every soldier.)
And what would the enemy did not plan all by itself becomes immediately clear.
Thus, it will be easy to find a weak point of the enemy, as well as in advance to defeat all his attempts to counterattack.
As support, now it can bring much more good than ever before.
this couple, slowly came to the place of the banquet, and sat in the waiting meal.
Both of them held high positions in the unit, because the attitude was to him accordingly. But in this case, I am their leader, why suddenly all these personally involved?
Oh well, as long as I help Kanami, it's not important.
After a while, we came back and Supesei and Burasato. Bringing gifts to the dungeon boss, because I did not complain and told them to relax well today.
A little later, Minokichi, Asue and company finally returned, and we were able to start a barbecue party.
Seeing the pieces lined up on the grid dragon meat, all while instantly froze, and he went away after the first impression, jumped on the meat, and were simply stunned by its taste.
Most just fall to his knees in tears.
The banquet lasted until not finished all cooked meat on a breath by eating meat, the taste will be remembered for a lifetime.
This dragon meat and the work was the main topic of conversation, spreading over the place of drunken songs and laughter.
Personally, I drank 30 pieces, huge drums, labyrinth of booze with a fairly high content of alcohol.(Personally I drank 30 huge drums of labyrinth booze which has a fairly high content of alchohol)
Pilas it easily like water. Among decided to compete with me in drinking, most fairly quickly fallen red mugs.
Today, in a rough, even in the evening, the labyrinth of the city, we had the most fun of all.
I've drank a lot of it, but as expected, with much more pleasant to drink.
Alone, of course drinking is also nice, but with someone drinking too well.
Watching to see how all the fun, we are three to KanaMi chan and MinoKichi kun, and the company drank [demonic spirits (drop lunar saukry)].
Dragon meat we shared with everyone, but especially the drinks we drank only nine men.
The rest of the comrades, throwing envious glances our way, but at least I only drink this all was not going to share.
Not the kind of thing where you can drink, which will be enough for someone other than the leaders, but 9 I think the thing to drink, in fact, it went just fine under the dragon meat.
Of course, and separately, they are simply excellent, but together, getting better many times.
For a while, we were trying to settle other comrades, but after a while, gave up and left to enjoy this drink only have 9 ryh.
We'll have the rest of the comrades, consider it a class privilege.
Thus banquet lasted until late at night, at the end, cleaning up, immediately went to bed.
But I was going to bed, announcement immediately appeared.

[ Redhead has awakened to 18 Demon Warlords]
[Title [Deadly Red Fury] will be sent]

As expected, Redhead is also among them, too, I thought.
After that I immediately fell asleep.

DAY 255

In the morning, I immediately got in touch with Redhead.
Wanting to know about with regard to its new powers, it turned out that everything is exactly the same as with Rusty Iron Knight.
After that, the nutrient-rich breakfast breakfast by giving instructions to subordinates, Kanami-chan, Minokichi-kun, Asue-chan and I, us four left the Labyrinth City, and some time going through the steppe.
Previously, the accumulated snow has settled, because walking was easy.
Making sure that no one near there, I called [Tatsu Jon Roe], and we flew together in [Funeral Volcano].
Using the jump gate at the entrance, we teleported in the same place where I enjoyed dragon meat with Kanami-chan.
At the present time, there was a dungeon, painted black fiery dragon empress.
At the moment, she just slept, but since the owner came to (me), reacted, and woke up.
Ask us about the purpose of the visit, I told her that we would like here to arrange a duel Minokichi-kun, because I said that I would like to at some time went to the top.
Flaming Dragon Empress immediately cobbled together will host.
Having collected a great magical power in their hands - the wings, her body immediately rose into the air, and instantly disappeared somewhere in the sky.

Watching this scene, I once again marveled at its excellent strength and greatness.

Asuka chan chan and KanaMi were also in danger here because I asked them to keep watch lair fiery dragon empress.

Asuka-chan, a former [mine demon (earth lord) (sub species)], has the power to become a being superior class [the emperor], [hellish demon Judge (asuf? Rur? Ja) (sub-species)], had a fairly strong protection against attacks like lightning, and now she was quite capable of getting to withstand a direct hit.

KanaMi chan, though with fragile appearance, in this case was solid enough.

Weak attack will not even leave a scratch on their skin, and a strong attack, even if it breaks it will be stopped durable but flexible muscles.

Even if you get an attack that could knock them multiple protection, immediately they will not die from it.
They had at least a protective force.
Most of all, perhaps, perhaps ...
But all the same I'm worried. So I gave them magic items, with the strongest effects of the protection of those that I have had.
I used items such as installation, which is not quite convenient to rearrange, but once put it quite simply does not break down.
Thinking it was a good chance, I decided to upgrade the armor of the pair.
The overall shape is not changed, but the material and design, there are differences.

In addition, this and that, all things mined in underground kumashiro, their ability is much higher than previous. Weak attack, and will not leave scratches, ktomu greatly increasing bearing capacity, while having their own abilities.
Having prepared for the possibility of this couple, I returned to the game with MinoKichi kun.
Former [cow demon (Minotaur) (sub species)] has now become a member of the race [great king thunderous bulls (gigaminoterius) (Top View)] after the [evolution].

The ability of this race and so superior to the army focused on the ability of [the emperor] and focused on personal abilities, ability [King]. With the forces of both classes immediately, this time among 8 demons, he became a representative of the most powerful race.

This became [views over] his power significantly closer to mine.

His body has grown even more, as compared to the last time. His muscles are now resemble rolled together iron bars that encircle his body, and his body could be seen on the purple skin and white gold tattoo.

And now do not pierce the skin of a saint is not a magic sword, but it's so nice to feel that I want to stroke forever. Once touched, I do not want to let go, so she had a wonderful attraction.

That's just not possible to stroke his long, good around his wool here and there appear white lightning.
Although until MinoKichi not want this, the flash will not cause harm to others.

Here only this time we have come here to fight. Because that of course they will harm me.

White flashes I can well block [immune to heat] [heat absorption], so I think that everything will be okay. That's only in the case of a gold zipper, there is some chance that [immunity to lightning] may fail.
Fortunately golden lightning can not be regarded as an attack, the benefit of his body produces naturally.

Well, when MinoKichi kuna slightly tensed, these gold zipper around him began to furiously cut through the air, and the air around him began to shake.

So I think everything will be fine, it is precisely the benefit of the attack. If you inadvertently come, and you can die on the spot.
In truth expression MinoKichi Kuna today was very appropriate.
As to the enemy, to his crowded strength I had not any complaints.

At this time, for various reasons, the fight will take place without weapons.
Being in a rack without any signals at the same time we have rushed into battle ...
As a result of today's sparring again bringing solid changes in the local landscape, we continued to fight until late evening.

By the end of the fight he was unarmed, but the endurance of both, was already at the level where it can be called infinite, because we could without any interruption to fight all the time in full force.
And as a result, yet I won.
But the gap between us was not.
Apparently he found a new ability of the [penetrative physical damage], then attack MinoKichi Kuna, even being completely blocked, still causes damage.

In addition, it is possible thanks to [penetrating physical damage], or resulting subjugation of the dungeon [theory dragon flares], or other abilities rather uncanny ability to [a flash of lightning killer gods], or as a result of all of them together, not much but after a certain amount of damage, it was beginning to cause me to lightning damage.
When you put or render them myself it's hard to understand, but when, even if a blocked attack passes through your body, it gets really disgusting.
So I was able to learn at the same time the chapels of my body and look at growth MinoKichi kuna. And snacks prepared KanaMi and Asuka chan chan, we collapsed right there on the ground.
Lightly beat down, but from the fact that my skin became stronger, it does not bother me to sleep.

Raising his face to the top naturally in sight got clear night sky.

Due to improvement of vision, I can see not only the arena, but also are much more sparkling stars.

Sometimes this kind of not quite bad, so I decided to lie down to sleep right way.
Here are just a
[Akita Inu (RAkitazenostudzhi) [18 demonic warlords] awakened]
[Title [Blood obliging samurai - samurai dog] will be sent]
[Female Knight [18 demonic warlords] awakened]
[Title [Brilliant mercy righteous Knight] will be sent]
Resurfaced alert.
Honestly Female Knight, exceeded my expectations. Last time I did not give her time,this time i have to give her good gifts.

DAY 256

Immediately after I woke up, I talked to both of them and found out about the details.
Breakfast was dragon meat. Afterwards, we continued the training we started yesterday.
Yesterday I fought only with Minokichi, one on one, but this time Kanami and Asue will also take part in it.
I will battle against the three.
This time, we will fight with weapons, but holding back some of our abilities. That is so that, the battle will be close to real combat.
Located in the front, Minokichi after [Rank Up (evolution)] along with his favorite weapon, looked like a living mountain.
His favorite battleaxe, became the heavenly axe [Axe of Celestial Lightning], and a shield that is so big that he is able to hide his whole body behind it, was the celestial shield [Absolute Flame Gates of Kaminariushi Emperor].
Their ability to grow is incredible and the overflowing force was enormous.
Neither of those [Sacred Treasures] are mediocre.
Hiding behind Minokichi's back is Asue, armed with a hard and destructive [Hammer of the Goddess of the Earth [Yabushiro]], this huge hammer allows you to create a huge lava hand [Lava Glove of Boar Demon King]. She threw over one shoulder. On the other hand she wore a magic gauntlet.
Of course form the three items it was the weakest, but it has the ability to control the land, also to cover the back, so it has enough power.
If you underestimate her, you will pay dearly, because of her new ability [Thunderous Crystal Prison].
Located in the rear is Kanami, removing the [Sealing Demonic Eye Glasses] and  armed with a ominous red-colored Claymore-type magic sword, [Drop of Moonlight], as well as the ability to summon huge amounts of water, with a minimum expenditure of mana. The [Loincloth Water Grief], absorbs the surrounding water, and compresses it. It becomes able to shoot water as a magic weapon with bullets [water gun].
Armed with a variety of magical items and a variety of abilities, while she enjoys her unique magic, she has a strong side of a large variety of attacks.
But even without those abilities, Kanami is really strong.
Not only the allocation of responsibilities, their coordination in truth was simply superb.
So much, that it was difficult to improve anything.
They were all against me, and I was armed with a spear and a red cursed spear, as well as the [Butcher Knife of the Boar King] and the [Soul Sword Quivering Water's Nautilus].
Both with new swords which are highly competitive, very sharp and have high strength.
It is even possible to break the solid skin of Minokichi.
In addition, with regard to the [Soul Sword Quivering Water's Nautilus] I still do not know all of it's abilities, but with the strength of the [Sacred Treasures], it can be used without any problems in our training.
The result, to be honest, I thought that I will die there.
All three, from the beginning until the end, fought with full force.
The enemy is me, so they behave as if everything is possible.
The three used depleted attack [(Destructive Attack) Ranks Massacre of 8 Demons (Attack of 8 Demon Generals] as well as the effects of the fighting formations [Void Form (Combat Formation of the 8 Demon Generals] also using all that they had.
If I was hit by such attacks as the Apostle Lord, I would have lost my hands and feet.
Well, anyway, somehow I was able to win. This body of mine had greater power than I expected.
So the second day was the same as the first (ended in my victory), and in the evening we just ate together.
By the way, the reason why I suddenly decided for two days of such training is quite simple.
Currently, during the training, we influenced too much of our surroundings.
Of course, if restrained because of all the forces, we could do without it, but in itself, it was quite difficult, and I do not want this to become a habit.
But to operate at full capacity, in the usual place is absolutely impossible.
From the light there of, the attacks on the ground are cracked, and the storm winds are created. A murderous wave of magical power, will be sure to cause damage to the surrounding area.
All living creatures from the surrounding area will sense danger to its' own life, thus leaving the area of our training in a hurry. Naturally including monsters.
Most of these monsters, which are driven from their familiar places, will attack the nearby villages and towns. In the worst case scenario, under pressure from the hordes of monsters, entire cities will be trampled.
It is unlikely, but this idea seems quite likely.
I'm not that noble, but I want to avoid this problem.
Just think, what if this place in the future, which will bring us any benefit. But even if not, why not take in vain the lives of others, we are not hostile creatures.
Therefore it was decided to conduct training in the [Buried Volcano]. It has an automatic repair function that made it perfect for training.
After training, we immediately went to sleep to rest for tomorrow's training.

DAY 257

Two days were spent in training, now we have to return to the Royal Capital Osvel and to get the kids to head back to the great forest.
So I thought, but instead I had to spend another day in "Bury the volcano."
The reason being that Burasato-san and Supesei-san, who were collecting a variety of grimoires and magic swords in the Labyrinth City [Rada Ro Dara], as well as Seiji-kun, who was engaged in cheap treatment helped by Kugime-chan, as well as leading clandestine activities calmed down once Aikusa-chan, had their own plans.
That is, Burasato-san and Supesei-san rebelled.
I am sorry that I have not once called all this fun, would know that they will react immediately took them with me.
For a start, I held a training session with enthusiastic Burasato-san and hubris.
They fought in a pair of naturally ahead Burasato-san covered by the Supesei-san.
Burasato-san former [Bloody Demon Sword (sub species)], became [Blood Raid Empress (subspecies)].
Her outside appearance has hardly changed. Aside from some added Ogre Orbs, and that her appearance became more courageous, but as always in battle, she bathed in the enemy's fresh blood.
The truth in the exterior still has a special distinguishing feature.
Now she appeared behind sharp wings of blood.
She previously had a habit of creating a lot of bloody swords, but actually she could not do it. Because the material used for these swords is the blood of enemies, thus it was almost impossible to carry it with her.
But as [the Empress bloody army], she appeared behind bloody wings, which can be used as a reservoir, making it possible to carry blood with her.
Because of this, even without killing many enemies, it was possible to fight at full strength from the beginning.
Now she can simultaneously manage multiple bloody swords, the maximum number being a few hundred (or up to several thousand if limited to simple strokes).
Just imagining this, is enough to understand how much a problem was the army led by Burasato-san.
But in addition, it significantly increased her combat abilities and changed her fighting style.
Before, her style was to hold in her right hand a magic sword: [Princess fresh blood], controlling blood swords. But now, she also carried in her left hand a new magical sword, [the blood of one dead hunter], hence because of it her style changed.
It became a style with 2 magical swords with which she stirred many bloody swords, bearing multiple attacks like an avalanche.   Meanwhile, if you compare her in the managing of blood with Kanami-chan, the latter wins in the amount it can control but at her limit the control only amounts to clumsy movements. Because of this the difference between them is not large.
(editor: For this last sentence I had to guess the meaning so that might not be the actual one, but I guess that it's still better than nothing...)
Responsible for the rearguard is the former San Spes [magic demon (he sang the Lord) (sub species)] who became [Sparkling Queen Witches Stars (sub species)].
In her appearance, too, there are some changes, such as added Ogre Orbs, but the main innovation is the 8 rainbow colored steel balls, similar to the planets, which flew around her, in a circular path.
After a while examining them, it turned out that this is one of the types of Ogre Orbs and ordinary steel knives are not able to leave any scratches on them.
After trying to make a scratch with one of my hands turned into a silver knife, it left a scratch, but after a few tens of seconds, it recovered.
I wonder to what extent she could manage them with the help of thoughts. For example quickly turning to repel the attacks, or attack if the enemy had come up close to the nuclei.
But their true role disclosed when she used magic.
Using these 8 balls as catalysts, it is possible to easily apply the highly ranked magic that previously caused a lot of difficulties. And with the use of 8 areas, the main force of attack multiplies the magic attack 8 times, yielding a completely different level of ability.
In contrast to a clear enhance in the ability to magic, her physical abilities, are now lower than those of Seiji-kun.
After going through deadly magical attacks, barriers and passing defense of the areas, if it can still attack, an ogre could cut her down.
Previously, this was not the case, but now she became physically weaker.
But after all, it only matters if someone can approach her ...
Whatever it was, today, I tripled the training with this pair of demons.
Located at the forefront is Burasato-san, and while you're stuck fighting her, some strong magic attacks fly in from your blind spot.
Which were followed by a continuous stream of murderous attacks. And if you deal with them, again come the flying magic attacks.
They have fought together for a long time, thus their teamwork is incredibly accurate.
Well, as the result, I still won.
There were many reasons, the primary being my 4 silver hands, which enabled me to counter every bad bloody attack of Burasato-san.
No matter how strong you are if the opponent does not fit you, you can't fight using your full potential.
After trying a variety of combinations, I tried fighting against all 5 demons.
I have to say it was one of the most brutal battles after my rebirth.
They all became stronger, though, and we all ended up wounded, but they were happy to see me in this state.
Well, the others looked even worse than I am, but these moments themselves are quite good.

DAY 258

Once we finally woke up, riding on [Tatsu Shiro] (the Dragon) to the [Funeral Volcano].
The flight speed is frightening, because we almost immediately arrived in the Labyrinth City [Rada Ro Dara].
The truth as always, I couldn’t rapidly jump from the sky, due to some reasons, so I went the normal way through the gate inside.
I had to stand in line, but it was early in the morning, so we were able to enter without waiting so long. And despite the early morning, the city already was awake, and life here is blooming. ( original:” and life here is full raged” can’t see the context so I changed it to bloom)
Eating food on the way similar to Doner kebab ([1]), was quite tasty.
Apparently they are using drop items from the derived labyrinth, it also seems the quality of the meat is good in its own way. Of course the whole secret of the taste, was the way it was cooked.
I'll try to do the same, only with dragon meat. I am sure that it will be delicious, simply cannot be otherwise.
Thinking about it, instead of heading directly to the house, we each went our separate ways.
Fortunately, we were not here for a long time and the things they had with them were already used up, but there are thing we didn’t need to buy anymore (ex. clothes with special embroidery, magic swords and magic books). (I don’t know if he says they don’t need this kind of stuff any longer or they need it so I edit it to the more logical thing)
Because there was nothing to do and the city was armed with a large kind of magic store, everybody went to buy souvenirs. Fortunately it didn’t take a lot of time.
We, the 9 demons, returned to the kingdom of the Royal Capital, the rest of our comrades remain here to work in the dungeon "Heart of Snake."
The fact is that in the short time our store was open, we have suffered abuse from other companies (wrong type of lads came unreasonably complained about the quality of the goods), as well as some illegal actions against us (attempted arson and attempted kidnapping of the staff).
I would like to hire a local custody proceedings with similar problems, but they do not inspire confidence in such matters.
Since if not the Members who have the power to forcibly eliminate the reason here, had to go home this time. So this time only the 9 demons returned.
Blond, the blue-eyed young man, called the host people here, I replaced his clone, and left to look after the shop and the remaining comrades. I stayed here not only as a guards, but as an assistant in the business of the labyrinth "Heart of Snakes."
After putting an end to things, we went on the wagon [Skeleton Centipede] and left the Labyrinth City [Rada Ro Dara].
At the time when we were leaving, we attracted even more attention as when we arrived.
We were viewed with fear, interest, admiration, a lot of feelings were shuffle in the faces of viewers.
After driving for a considerable distance, taking [Great Skeleton Centipede] from the glove box, I asked [Tatsu Shiro] to carry it.
You could, as before travel on the ground, but I know his maximum speed, payload and range. Because of that we did so this time.
Satisfied, looking at his dashing appearance, easy to take the over heavyweight Asue and Minokichi to the sky, we certainly could head back straight, with great speed immediately. But since we're here, I decided to look around some of the attractions from the sky.
In this vast world, there exist some mysterious phenomenon.
For example, in the sky over a forest in various heights swam countless cliffs, inhabited by monsters of the flying type.
Or another example, on a certain steppe ...that covers a variety of colors and it is an incredibly beautiful view.
But among these colors a lot of carnivorous plants, devouring primanennyh nectar [Red Bee].
Or, for example, a certain river ... It is broad, it floats on the countless fish, which can be seen even from the sky. They look like palm size, but their actual is close to a giant house.
Or like some mountain peaks around ... which are going up to the clouds, like a huge crater forming in the sun, in the eastern unique look.
Admiring the path of these great places, towards evening, we arrived to a location near the capital of the kingdom.
With incredible speed from Tattsu Jon Roe, even in a roundabout way, we pretty quickly arrived at the scene.
Thinking that a giant ancient dragon can cause panic, it was decided to go down to the woods, where the trees blocking the view, and to leave us here, Tattsu Jon Roe, quickly returned to the "Funeral volcano." Just a few seconds after the take-off, he was out of sight.
Inside of [Tatsu Shiro] has been my parasite, because at any time when I needed him, I was able to contact him.
After sitting on the [Great Skeleton Centipede], we quickly got to the gates of the capital.
Not seen it in a long time, but it is still a respectable gate. You can feel the history, it was a magnificent building .
At the gate, the man was on duty the problem looks familiar, it was possible to pass without the most time by because I took a pass received from the Tomboy Princess In the capital we moved on [the great bone centipede].
If you see us see, not applicable panic rise and lift needless hype, no special meaning.
A [Great Skeleton Centipede] hides us pretty hard to discern from the outside.
By the time their service of the bone spider has become more and more popular. In addition, citizens are widely known to belong to any organization of their drivers.
Because looking at a normal [bone centipede] wasn’t much special, obviously made to order a [great bone centipede], even the children, might have guessed, about whom it belongs to.
That fact given, even trying to escape wouldn’t bring anything and so all will tell that we were back.
Among the locals who had gathered to see us here and there were visible silhouettes fanatics, falling to their knees.
I was plagued by the thought of what would happen if they suddenly see our appearance.
Because, for a while, leaving the street, have to use a long coat with a hood of a mercenary.
Arriving at the house, I was finally able to hug Auro, Argento, Oniwaka, and Redhead. I communicated with them through the clones, but by it and so meeting all live is much better.
We noted the return of food prepared by chefs, that we hired.
Since they are so tried, we will taste the dragon meat no matter how, another time.

DAY 259

Probably due to the fact that for once, I was asleep in bed, I woke up much later than usual.
Recently, after a day of traffic, I just slept on the bare ground. Because now, I realized the beauty and charm, microwave blankets.
There is no snow on the street, but it was still quite cold, so I did not want to get out of bed. Especially that close and slept with Redhead and Kanami-chan serve me oobnimatelnymi pillows.   Starting the day with a light warm-up (so as not to cause problems to neighbors), tasty breakfast. After that everyone went their own affairs.
I also had a job for sorting documents.
But the work was not much, by noon I had free time.
I wanted to watch the training of the children, but Minokichi-kun and the company had to do it.
Kanami-chan and do training Supesei-san [Solitude], Seiji-kun, and Kugime-chan went to treat people on call, thereby strengthening the ties with the local community.
Asue-chan as usual went their way, so that all were busy with their own affairs.
Therefore, deciding that the best time of 4 [Sacred Treasures] that I had on hand:   
[Soul Sword Superior Sunlight's Hisperion]
[Soul Sword Quivering Water's Nautilus]
[Precious Core of the Divine Spirit of Spring Water]
[Dragon God's Gem of Rebirth]

I chose one [Precious Core of the Divine Spirit of Spring Water].
From one of its kind, it was clear that this [Sacred Treasure] was [Phantasmal] class. It covers a mystical aura.
And put [precious core of the divine spirit of spring water] mouth, I started to bite, and bite and bite. Bite of all forces.
Earlier I tried to do the same with [Soul Sword Superior Sunlight's Hisperion], but at the moment I have absolutely nothing happened. And that's pretty much hurt my pride. But now, having become [Kongoyasha yarostnyybog god (Vajrayshak Overlord) (Kind of Living God], I decided that I finally get something.
Continuing a while, I did not get results.
[Precious Core of the Divine Spirit of Spring Water] remains extremely solid.
Apparently it will not work, but I still did not give up and continued to bite it, it has been more on obstinacy.
Biting, biting and biting. With all the strength he continued to bite. Expecting nothing to come out ... When I certainly thought so, just for a moment, but just for a moment I felt something under my teeth leaned material.
At the same moment, I felt the taste, even surpassing the taste of dragon meat. What!
This was a taste I could not describe in words. As long as i don't try again, explaining how it taste, the snake was impossible. Just delicious, so much for the notion that this word could no longer describe its taste.
From such a shock, I even thought that now lose consciousness. In my mind, as though I walked electrical discharge.
And the taste was the taste of [Sacred Treasure] [Precious core of the divine spirit of spring water], which still leaned under the pressure of my teeth.
Now I can chew it! Previously, because he could not, but now I can!
After that, I just did nothing, he continued to chew. Then, after a while, I broke off a small piece.
My teeth are working! My teeth could break [precious core of the divine spirit of spring water ankuritoriamu]!
At the moment I swallowed it, I felt the taste of which was impossible to resist, I could not stop until you eat the sacred treasure to the end.
After finishing the work, having fun with Kanami-chan and now playing with Auro and company, I continued to chew. Not stopping. I just could not stop.
So it went on until the evening.
[Age of the Gods dungeon caused [18 Demonic Warlords] to awaken]
[Title [King of Demonic Bears] will be sent]
[Kurosan Rho (ribs Vorurian) [18 Demonic Warlords] awakened]
[Title [Emperor Black Wolf] will be sent]

DAY 260

You are chewing much from yesterday - I think if it had continued even while we while sleeping honest - is, which is one [Shimizu Kaminotakara Kakuwa] of [Phantasmal] class magic item [Sacred Treasures] is It's holding the prototype as still half.
It is expected, but it will be digested and absorbed everything that was also included [Divine Power] that contained the [Shimizu Kaminotakara Kakuwa] is in today.
Is looking forward to that time, while chewing, for two animals that were selected to the newly 18 Demon Warlords, we were examined.
First, the bear Jirou.
Bear Jirou was [Rank Up] evolution into Desolation Spirit Panda from [Onikuma Oniguma].
Appearance is a panda that bearded thick sharp corner like obsidian there is a length of the size of about seven meters, from the forehead about one meter.
While a white and black tough wrapped whole body in a flexible body hair, I lying strewn somewhere lovely gesture. Companion animals if Tsumure the eye even to its size, or whether would not than a popularity as an ornamental.
But do not approach it lightly. Even if Jirou is just playing around, the majority of organisms would easily be killed.
Blow a huge rake Ryuuroko even broken if hit, the claw's sharp enough to even cut Ryukara.
Moreover, the corner of the forehead, significantly increased the overall status when wearing a black aura emitted from sharp protrusions on both shoulders and elbows will be the same material as the corner, yet also allows special attack.
It has excellent physical abilities and, contrary to what you see, is pretty agile.
It will be overrun in a short period of time alone and if poor army, had the violence which is not ashamed to title [Onikuma-o].
Next, black for Kurosaburou.
Black Saburo was [Rank Up] evolution into [Triple-Headed Hell Cerberus] from [Double-Headed Orthoros Wolf].
With black bristles as darkness, but 巨狼 of triceps that there will be four meters.
Near the neck grows countless snake spit fire and poison, tail has become strangely reminiscent of a dragon's tail.
More or the number of head large body, neck and tail are snake, it might look to make a little feel the fear that, but in fact there is only like a friendly dog.
Black bristles are soft and fluffy, feel good also. If nap on top of the black Kurosaburou, you will spend spoiled for comfortably.
And of course, the combat capability has been much improved than before.
In contrast to the tougher to bear it became Jiro as individuals, black Saburo has become stronger as a herd.
[Triple-Headed Hell Cerberus] to do from now, or you got the title [Kurookamitei], black Saburo seems to have obtained the [Generation] system capacity of.
Valiant [Triple-Headed Wolf Cerberus] out of nowhere when you roar we are out side, it is the herd of several dozen animals and in the blink of an eye.
herd, led by black Saburo that [Leadership] system of capacity has been enhanced is no matter how many number you command, can still move and order the group easily.
Sometimes dragon even killed, I hear there also be Kurau.
Overall capacity compared to bear Jirou, I think about the same.
Then, silver nuclei armed water mucus War slur Mar soil in the biceps of the chest, it was gaining more size.
When mucus covers the whole body, slime armor has been changed from blue to blue silver. It became metallic than before, and I wonder should I say.
And to have become thicker than before, hardness also seems to have improved.
Since such biceps that has changed the wind is over-reliance come, we try to cherish in good beauty and systemic.
Then, because the biceps have been more spoiled, it was more loved.
Such moments are, but mon good as hot. The biceps, or we'll have now worked as more forces.
Then what night or door time is past, around the evening the sun is sinking slowly.
It summarizes the [Shimizu Kaminotakara Kakuwa] was completely able Beru.
The sense of accomplishment when you finish base Eating, if anything it is hard to say that there is no sense of loss trying.
But surely, [Shimizu Kaminotakara Kakuwa] had become my flesh and blood.

Ability learned: [Precious Core of the Demigod of Spring Water]
Ability learned: [Spring Water's Source]
Ability learned: [Skill Gain]
Ability learned: [Capacity Expansion]
Ability learned: [Heretical Retribution]
Ability learned: [Divine Power Conversion]
Ability learned: [Improvised Promotion]
Ability learned: [Form Change]
Ability learned: [Piercing Evil]
Ability learned: [Five Soul Lives]

Due to the digestion and absorption without spilling it even enough ounce up to the [Divine Power] it is included, all of [Shimizu Kaminotakara Kakuwa] it became my thing.
Not only was able to learn the number of ability [Divine Power], which has been contained is willing to certainly strengthen me.
[Shenli]'s energy is how to effectively use if from a person choice but God does not exist.
But to me, who became the Vajrayaksa Overlord - Vizra Species], it was a useful energy that can be utilized somehow.
Magic It is rare to use because there is a limited quantity to the [Shinriki] it is necessary to handle or in different laws and, it is not possible to power the terrible too easy to use and which can not be exercised without special Since [Magic] also, I think I'll let you to appreciate utilized as one of the trump card.
While the obtained that involuntarily laugh and Nimanima in the trump card that will be the revival of the one hand, today's supper's a party that uses a dragon meat.
And arranged a number of dishes at the large hall that dance can also be in the house, it was grand to celebrate with everyone.
The participants led by Kuki such as me and Kanami-chan, Redhead, children, Female Knight, and general team members, in addition to everyone in the Royal Capital, such as Solitude and is hired to have butler and maids, came back Tomboy Princess and the Boy Knight came doing knows things and has become the First Queen and Dark Hero line.
Quite a bloated party to number of people, first begins from cheers, it became a tasting of dragon meat in front of the chat.
By unsparingly used the dragon meat dishes, so feel like similar to when the last time.
In other words, it was one after another the person to tears of gratitude too delicious of.
Among them, with even the things we eat every day until recently had been distressed Solitude our reaction's dramatic. I wonder not than are converting all water in the body in tears, crying as you would worry.
Many who clothes is turned messy with tears. Such as the bully, but the largest.
But rather than sadness, because it is joy of so much of tears, ours while patting everyone in the head I decided to enjoy this moment.
Tonight I have had are a wide variety.
From the Tomboy Princess and Boy Knight, you can be surprised to have if also [there Evolution] think that it has come back, was or told a struggling story. I think to divulge internal information of the country and whether honesty.
From the First Queen and Dark Hero, it was shown a longer reason is Bukkake flying would not than that in either the here the reaction of the extent of going to be a worry. Is I want you to pardon the I'll try to buy secretly spent knife.
Auro and Argento, from my children taken Oniwaka and Opushii, or is what you anywhere in this trip are asked finer things out what a pear, whether their is now what you can do The we talked. My youngest Opushii also, so that recently a broken speak in. It's phenomenal growth rate. Indeed my child.
From the Female Samurai that was left at the Royal Capital's head office, the manner of exhibition products commenting, purchase is commenting, troublesome Kramer is commenting, it was fun but I want a rest commenting quux, and Guchira. Because such as tired, change the schedule, I think that I'll take you to a large forest of hot spring. The store, it would be nice if we put a minute body.
Or it is begging the other to want to have early child to Kanami-chan, or talk about Redhead and Opushii of Education Act, it is consulted efficient if it is to how to make the children from Minokichi-kun and Asue-chan or, or are questioning the efficient treatment from political-kun, or been consulted about the space star's from Burasato-san, you can discuss Supesei-san magic of efficient operation method, I've drunk usually you can is entangled in ladylike a Kugime-chan, it was or observed a state in which the compared drink with a huge wine barrel by the man who became a half-naked in Aikusa-chan laugh as "Gufufufu rot feeling depressed".
Too banquet party drink and sing that was chaotic, it became a large serving up also a fact that unrestricted binge.
This upsurge of more than usually, would still be due dragon meat.
Or you wonder because we largess delicious Naru labyrinth liquor.
Or it would be both. Delicious cuisine makes cheerful human. If Kuwaware sake there and might not even come to this way.
To drink to drink, eat and eat and laugh had moments to go past.
I drink good wine today.
So now a large forest, it's what you want to drink delicious wine than or the same as this.
Blacksmith-san or Alchemist-san, such as the Sisters and Female Knight, and there's just the time of resumption of the long not seen who we.
While I think that it is the I want to meet soon, tonight opened banquet, it was followed by the never-ending and even in the late evening.


Source from :


  1. at least now he's on the same lvl as Ainz or Orsted... this series is kinda like a reverse of Overlord aint it?

    1. he is probably already way stronger than orsted. taking into context of this world orsted is probably at most only dragon emperor level

    2. "Magic casters have weak bodies" and "undead are weak when it comes to melee combat compared to other creatures including feeble humans"

      Ainz Ooal Gown Kicked up a freaking mountain while raging. He's an undead magic caster. That's his physical abilities, and he uses magic

  2. It's very hard to read with the crappy translation done on a few of the days.

  3. was this translated by master yoda?

  4. Replies
    1. You sound just like the translations tho😂😂

  5. Reading this is like if you ask someone how to make a burger and their reply is somewhat vague but you somewhat get the idea of "bun, mayo, lettuce, tomato, pickle, onion, cheese, meat, ketchup, bun"
    It wouldn't necessarily be a problem but when you're used to hearing how each ingredient is prepared, at what temperature to cook the meat, which ingredient to place and in what order...well then the first isn't even considered as a response.

  6. Hard to understand the other phrases and words.. especially the names cant identify who is he talking about
